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Do You Want To Feel Safe In Your Body? Try Now.

By Christina Fenske

Struggling with finding calm, safety, and security in your own body? We can help you unlock inner peace using this step-by-step guide to feeling safe in your body. We use evidence-based and trauma-informed somatic techniques that are highly effective in supporting your healing journey. We’ve included below 7 Steps to feeling safer in your body and here is a guideline on how to create the safety that will help you feel calmer in your body.

Step 1: Establishing Safety

  • Begin by creating a safe and confidential space for the client to explore their body.
  • Set clear boundaries and expectations for the session, ensuring the client feels respected and in control.
  • Encourage the client to express any concerns or boundaries they may have before proceeding.

Step 2: Grounding Techniques

  • Start the session with grounding exercises to help the client feel present and connected to their body.
  • Techniques may include deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or mindfulness exercises.
  • Grounding techniques help calm the nervous system and reduce feelings of anxiety or overwhelm.

Step 3: Body Awareness

  • Guide the client through body awareness exercises to help them reconnect with sensations in their body.
  • Encourage gentle movements, such as stretching or yoga poses, to increase body awareness.
  • Explore sensations without judgment, focusing on acceptance and curiosity.

Step 4: Establishing Safety Cues

  • Work with the client to identify safety cues or anchors that help them feel grounded and secure.
  • Safety cues can be physical objects, such as a comforting blanket or a soothing scent, or internal sensations, such as deep breathing or self-soothing touch.
  • Encourage the client to practice using their safety cues regularly, both during sessions and in everyday life.

Step 5: Building Resilience

  • Introduce techniques for building resilience and coping with stressors.
  • Explore self-regulation strategies, such as self-soothing techniques and emotional regulation exercises.
  • Help the client develop a toolbox of resources they can use to navigate difficult moments and cultivate resilience.

Step 6: Integration and Reflection

  • Allow time for the client to reflect on their experience and integrate any insights or shifts that may have occurred.
  • Encourage journaling or creative expression as a way to process emotions and experiences.
  • Offer support and validation as the client continues their journey towards feeling safe and at home in their body.

Step 7: Follow-Up and Support

  • Check-in with the client regularly to assess their progress and address any concerns or challenges that may arise.
  • Provide ongoing support and encouragement as the client continues to work towards feeling safe in their body.
  • Offer referrals to additional resources or practitioners as needed, such as trauma-informed therapists or bodyworkers.

By following these steps and incorporating trauma-informed and somatic techniques, you can support your clients in feeling safe and grounded in their bodies. Remember to approach each client with compassion, sensitivity, and respect for their unique experiences and needs.

To learn more about this or other techniques that may help you please reach out to us at Admin@ovcs.ca or call us at 236.361.0043.

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