 In Self Help Tools
peace of mind

Learn to Let Go by sifting through your things that you no longer need. We all start collecting clutter or junk over time but the big thing is we don’t have to hold on to it. If your life ever feels out of balance, you can free up your time, space, and energy for more essential things.

Begin by chunking down your items, to things you either love, bring you joy or use on a regular basis. By minimizing stress you will actually lighten your load in life, lighten your mind; lighten your heart by learning to let go of feelings of anger, remorse, guilt, and any other emotions that no longer serve you. In doing this you create more space for positive emotions, and adding more humor and laughter. This will ultimately bring about a healthier and happier you for doing that.

Learning To Let Go

How much stuff is enough? Do you really need 15 pairs of shoes, 25 jackets, and 18 sets of sheets. How many things do you have at your home from a store and not ever used. Acquiring things has become such a habit that we forget to ask ourselves if we really need these things, that are a cost to our health and well-being. What is the cost of the acquisition. The cost of having material things cost you storage space, the time it takes find that item, and care for them. The more that you own, the more you have to look after.

It’s better to have a few items in your possession that you use and love than a thousand that weigh you down.

If you’re going to start decluttering your life, try starting with one thing at a time and don’t do everything at once. Working at one room at a time and don’t move on to the next room till you’re done that room first. Seeing some progress will help motivate you too keep up the good work.

One drawer at a time every day is a good start. Planning decluttering activities around garbage day or taking things to dump, this helps to ensure that you don’t change your mind about letting go of this stuff.

Declutter by getting rid of things that are easy to let go of. Getting rid of everything that is noticeably garbage:

  • Clothes that you know longer wear or are outdated, and socks that don’t match
  • Food that’s spoiled or starting to turn moldy
  • Expired coupons and medications
  • Make-up and sunscreen that’s more than a year old
  • Outdated calendars and extra grocery bags (you don’t need more than 10 likely)
  • Old restaurant and shopping guides
  • Travel guides and maps
  • Refrigerator items that are past their due date
  • Rusted utensils and tools
  • Things that are broken (unless they are valuable and fixable)

Come Back soon to read Part II on Learning To Let Go.

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