 In Core Fear, Love Relationships

core fear

Identifying Core Fears

Let’s look at identifying core fears in this article. A “core fear” is a damaging dance that everyone involves themselves in, which stems from fear. Every individual has difficulty with at least one core fear. Losing power with others, or in circumstances (feeling controlled) and the threat of a disconnect, can be two common fears. Separation or disconnection, is the most prevalent fear that women have, which is the fear of not having a voice, not being heard, loved, valued, or losing love or being alone. Helplessness or losing power is for most men their core fear, feeling controlled, fear of failure, or getting stepped on or mistreated.

Women’s Core Fear is DISCONNECTION and for men it is HELPLESSNESS or feeling CONTROLLED, or being Stepped on.

Our Core Fear is often our most difficult challenge in our lives. It’s what your called too, or your higher calling, the more fear you experience with it, the higher the calling. It’s completely, frustratingly true. At times, our fear becomes triggered when we are at our best, biggest, and the most brightest moments in our lives and in ourselves. These fears can be triggered by many things such as our childhood memories, and our inner ego, which utilizes these past experiences as proof that we are separate from the rest of the world and completely alone. Sounds kind of lonely.

However, you are not separate, nor are you alone. Our inner ego begins to create a story, which plays around in our head repeatedly. When we can start to understand what the goal of this inner ego story, is to try to communicate to us, we can cease to feel it’s fear and it’s grip on us has less power.

Commonly Felt Core Fears May Include:

  1. I’m bad.
  2. I’m not enough.
  3. I’m not worthwhile.
  4. Everyone always abandons me.
  5. I’m crazy.
  6. I’m always alone.
  7. I am ashamed of myself.
  8. I’m not at all lovable. or No one loves me.
  9. I’m worth nothing.
  10. I don’t feel safe inside myself.

Tell me which one you relate to most? Is there a past childhood moment you can connect it too? When was the first time you may have had one of these feelings? The more self-aware we are, the less power these core fears have over us. Thus, the inner ego’s story, has less power of us too, over time.

Should you notice any type of fear brewing, it can be a fortunate sign that you’re becoming more self-aware and learning more about how to be in touch with this fear, in order to cope with it. Playing it safe and ignoring what you are called to do, the inner ego believes it has nothing to lose. When you begin to step into your expansive self, the fears you harbor can also rise to the surface.

If you can view your fears as possibilities for expansion, and self-realization, or self-improvement, rather than something to be feared or to struggle with. You may be able to work through it more effectively. This mindset about your fear, may create some discomfort but this can be a sign that you are moving in the right direction.

I always learnt growing up that, if you’re not uncomfortable, you’re likely not experiencing much, if any, personal growth. The point of our life on earth, as I believe it to be, is to learn, grow and work towards self-improvement. Encourage yourself through periods of hardship and through the fear because this pressure means you’re going through a period of enlightenment and growth. It’s a moment in time that is reserved for self-discovery, if we catch it during this time, and make the most of it, before it passes us by our most expansive self-discovery can occur.

Want to improve your personal growth? Work on increasing your capacity for self-expansion and self-discovery through identifying your core fears.

Take a look at the core fears listed below and select the one or two that apply most to you.

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